Mitch Scharf of Twitter works with brands in the Travel and B2B categories to help them maximize their use of his company’s platform. He’s a panelist at CDO’s upcoming executive roundtable in Charlotte.
Question 1: How do you define ‘digital strategy’?
“To me, a digital strategy is an adaptive journey where an organization’s assets, communication touch points (both internal and external), and technology serve to chart a course towards maximum efficiency. There is no definitive finish line, only a North Star (or two) and milestones. A digital strategy must align with the company’s core business goals and is equally accountable. Adaptability is key because needs change and they change fast.”
Question 2: What are the three most significant digital trends that will define 2014?
“Cross-device storytelling. Content has always been held in the highest regard, however, breaking through takes more than just frequency. Consumers are more receptive and more willing than ever to engage with a brand, but giving them the right message, in the right context, at the right time, on the right device is paramount. The conversation has shifted to ensuring cohesive connection and engagement, rather than just a presence in a channel.
Live Brands. While the term ‘real-time marketing’ has quickly made its way into the lexicon of Buzzword Bingo, we’re seeing brands move well beyond a ‘push’ messaging strategy, to engaging two-way dialogue across all channels, platforms, and devices. A great example is how brands are now organizing rapid-response command centers during live events to ensure they aren’t just sponsoring an event but in the middle of its conversations, staying relevant, on-brand, and on-time. A brand is now a living, breathing thing.
Social Soundtrack of TV. The relationship of TV content and the accompanying social conversation is only getting tighter and stronger. Producers are gaining distribution. Networks are driving viewers. And viewers are watching, laughing, cheering, and crying with more than who’s sitting next to them on the couch. Brands can now extend their reach and gain attribution of their (normally) biggest advertising line item.”
Question 3: What kind of mobile device(s) do you have, and what are your three favorite apps?
“Devices: All Apple, all day: iPhone5. iPad, MacBook Air.
Apps: Zite, Rdio, Uber.”
Question 4: What do you think of the emergence of the Chief Digital Officer role?
“It’s an interesting evolution. There is tremendous value in horizontal responsibility and vision that can help an organization create more fluidity, be quicker to market, be more responsive, and help drive incremental efficiency.”
Question 5: What advice do you have for aspiring digital professionals?
“‘Make change your buddy’ is a quote from a friend of mine that I think about all the time. I believe it be to great advice that works equally as well in both my personal life and my career. Many of the businesses and technologies we know, love, and are addicted to today didn’t exist five years ago, some not two years ago. That rate will only accelerate. So – ‘make change your buddy.’”