Four Things It Takes to Succeed in the Digital Economy

Digital transformations has reached the tipping point, to where it has become “business as usual”; the tail has become the dog. Digital is not just part of the economy — it is the economy.

It’s an economy of limitless opportunities for some and disruption and displacement for others. Some companies — such has Kodak, Blockbuster, Sears, and Blackberry — were unable to adapt, while others are thriving. According to MIT research, the companies that are adapting to a digital world are 26% more profitable than their industry peers.

How are these thriving firms reinventing themselves, their supply chains, and their marketplaces? For an upcoming MIT symposium on the topic, we’re focusing on four main themes: customer expectations, product enhancements, collaborative innovations, and organizational forms.

Read Full Story (source: Harvard Business Review)

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