Accenture CEO Pierre Nanterme talks with Rich Karlgaard of Forbes about how his global consulting firm discovered that being a “fast follower” suddenly became fatally slow in the age of A.I. and cloud.
Some excerpts from the interview:
- “I think you can find many things different about this current digital revolution. This revolution is a technology disruption, with many more tech disruptions ahead and coming at an accelerating pace. First, there’s the digital marketing revolution, then mobile apps, then analytics and the A.I. revolution, then there’s the cloud revolution, and then the cybersecurity and the encryption revolution.”
- “Digital strategy (revenue growth and future investment) has become part of the mandate of a Board’s strategy committee, so companies have seen the rise of the chief digital officer (CDO). Some companies divide the CIO into two positions: one, the CIO, who oversees core applications and infrastructure; the other serves as the CDO, who manages digital strategy and assets.”
- “The CDO, as the company’s manager of all digital strategy, should be on the executive committee.”